Transforming Alexandria

New Homes

This would be a big transformational project covering a large area between Mitchell Way, Bank Street and Bridge Street, on either side of the railway station.

It would include:

  • 100-200 new good-quality affordable homes.

  • Supporting facilities like green space, play areas and so on.

  • Removal of the big roundabout around the railway station and reinstate old direct routes of Bank Street and Chapel Street.

  • Improvements to the railway station.

The aim is to achieve:

  • More people living in the town centre - and therefore more footfall for businesses.

  • More good quality homes for local residents.

  • Make it easier to walk and cycle between Bonhill Bridge and the town centre, by removing the roundabout around the station.

  • The work would be carried out in stages and would take 5-10 years. The first step would be to undertake a feasibility study to work out potential types of homes, site plans, supporting facilities and infrastructure, costs, sources of funding and phasing.

    Good design quality for new homes, streets and green spaces would be a priority.

    New homes in Alexandria

    New homes in Alexandria

Consultation comments

As well as scoring each project for its importance, people were given the opportunity to provide other comments to help take each project forward. Below is the summary of the main points for New Homes project:

  • Widespread support for new homes, although some negative views also.

  • Affordable homes are needed especially to keep young people in the area.

  • Proposals need to include parking, roads, schools, shops, green spaces and play areas, including’20 minute neighbourhood’ concept. Homes should be houses rather than flats, eco-friendly, high quality and good design.

  • Mixed views on removing the roundabout around the station: some suggest it will improve access from Bonhill to the town centre, others are concerned about impact on traffic flow.

Please refer to Consultation Report to read individual comments in full.

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Lomond Fishmongers
The Balloon Bar Loch Lomond
Strathleven Financial Services Limited
Tip Top Barber Shop
W & J Sloans