Alexandria Council Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 31st May 2023
Read the latest minutes from Alexandria Council Council meeting held on Wednesday, 31st May 2023
Mitchell Way Demolition: Following correspondence from Alexandria CC, WDC Leader Councillor Martin Rooney provided a reply. This letter describes that LIDLs’ process of getting central funding had missed a deadline and is the main reason for the long delay. However there has been expectation that works would commence shortly following an amendment of the sale contact.
Councillor Rooney says there has been no complaints about health and safety from the public. He also requested that the WDC Assets Team provide Alexandria CC updates thereafter. UPDATE – No updates have yet been provided. Alexandria CC agree that if there is no further progress on this over the summer period, then protest action will be considered... Read all the minutes for A.C.C meeting on 31st May 2023